Monday, December 1, 2008

A New Beginning

I am currently very excited to be joining the staff at St Aidan's in 2009. I am looking forward to meeting the staff, to participate in innovative and collaborative learning and to help people build their own learning networks.

This blog is a way for us to share our ideas, thoughts and opinions - an introduction to our own professional learning network.

I hope that you will add this blog to your bookmarks or favourites and visit it often, leaving comments and expressing your opinions on topics.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations for the "new beginning". I'm sure staff, students and the school community will enjoy the value of your blog.

Anonymous said...

This looks like a great way to share ideas and resources. That is something we've often talked we can best share with each other. Smartkiddies is brilliant. Janet and I have set up passwords for each student to access the site. Very user-friendly site.

Also setting up blogspots for student reading, writing and science has been fantastic. Google Blogspot is also user friendly and we are able to protect the site from unwanted comments. Parents, etc can also visit the blogs and leave comments about their child's work.

Michael showed us how to place the icons on the mac desktop and on the safari and firefox bars so that the students don't have to type in URLs. The students can access all blogspots at home and a few parents were very interested in getting the URLs last week.